Terrace Ringette Association
1. Purpose
The refund of Registrations must take into account TRA's fixed fees that we pay annually to the British Columbia Ringette Association (BCRA) and the Northern League.
2. Cancellations & Refunds of Registration
Cancellations occurring before September 30 will be prorated and refunded minus a $25 Administration Fee. Cancellations occurring between October 1st and November 30th will be prorated, minus the annual fee paid to Ringette BC (fixed fee) and the $25 Administration fee. Cancellations after December 1st are not eligible for any refund with the exception of medical reasons supported by a letter from a family physician. Refund cheques will only be issued after confirmation that the player's cheque has been cashed into the TRA Account. TRA will issue eligible refund cheques within 60 days of receiving the cancellation request. All cancellation requests must be in writing and to the Attention of the Registrar.
3. Example
A player in U12 cancels their registration on October 5th.
Refund would be calculated as follows: Prorate for Remainder of Season: Oct (26), Nov (30), Dec (31), Jan (31), Feb (28), Mar (31) = 177 days.
177 Days divided by 198 days multiplied by 100 = 89.39%
Player Fees for the season: $366.00 (if registered after July 31st) less fixed fees $101.13 = $264.87 multiplied by prorate 89.39% = $236.76 - $25.00 Administration fee. Therefore the Refund for this U12 player would be: $366.00 -Player Fees - $143.21 - Used Prorated Fee ($366-$264.87) -$101.13 - Fixed Fee -$25.00 - Admin Fee
$96.66- Total Refund