All refund requests must follow the steps outlined below.
- Refunds will only be provided with written requests.
- Please submit your request for refund to Minnedosa Minor Ball, to the Attention of the Registrar at
- Please allow approximately four weeks for processing from the time of your request.
- Refunds of amounts paid by cheque will be delayed until the cheque has cleared the bank.
- Requests prior to April 1st, 2025 shall be granted a full refund of the base registration minus a $25 Administration Fee.
- No refunds will be considered after April 2, 2025.
- There will be a $50 fee charged for any NSF Cheques.
- All players must be paid in full no later than April 1, 2025. On April 2, 2025 Players that have not paid registration and their jersey deposit fee will be removed from rosters, be uninsured, and unable to practice or play softball.