Registration and payment policy
Payment can be made by e-transfer to or at 1 of our 2 payment nights. Payment nights will be later in April. There will be consideration for a 3rd night if it is necessary.
Player is not considered registered until payment is made.
All players are to be paid in full by June 15 or player will not be able to participate in any team activity until payment is made in full.
Refund Policy
Contact must be made to the registrar of CAMBA at to start the refund process.
Full refund until June 15.
After June 15 refund will be prorated until June 30. (Minus baseball PEI fees)
If player is injured playing baseball and cannot continue for the season, CAMBA will refund using the above-mentioned process. If injury happens after June 30, a prorated refund will be issued provided that the coach has emailed indicating that the player was in fact injured in a game or practice.
If a player is injured outside of baseball and cannot play, CAMBA will refund using the above-mentioned process. If injury happened after June 30, NO REFUND will be issued.
Refunds will be paid by cheque and mailed out unless other arrangements are made with our treasurer. Treasurer has the right to decide to mail the cheque. Refunds may take up to 30 days to process.
The refund policy will be reviewed yearly be the executive and if changes are needed, they will be made for the following year.