Individual Participant Refund Policy for FHA Programs
Effective April 2022
- Registration cancellation notice provided prior to 2 week before start of program - full refund of program fee less a $50 administration fee.
- Registration cancellation notice provided before 1 week of program start - 50% of program fee less a $50 administration fee.
- Registration cancellation notice provided within 1 week of programs start or after programs have started, with a doctors note - refunds will be offered on a prorated basis, less a $50 administration fee.
- Registration cancellation notice provided within 1 week of program start or after programs have started with no viable reason - no refunds will be issued.
- No refund provided for FHA/FHC insurance/membership fee, if applicable.
- No refund provided for FHA trial fee, if applicable.
- Does not apply to club fees (FHAC, CLFHA etc). Contact your club directly for their policy
No refunds will be provided for any programs for weather related cancellations. All reasonable efforts will be made to reschedule events due to weather.
While our existing refund policy stands for all members who register with us, FHA does recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic is a unique circumstance. In the event there is NO FHA season, all players will receive a FULL refund. If the FHA season begins and due to Covid-19 we have to permanently or temporarily suspend in person activities (practices, technical training, skills sessions and/or FHA league play), FHA is committed to offering refunds to all of our members on a prorated basis. Programming and league play delivered by the time of the restriction will determine the prorated refund to be offered. All refund information will be clearly communicated to our membership.
Questions? email