Neepawa Baseball-Softball Association (hereinafter referred to as NBSA) has found it necessary to implement a registration cancellation policy. The policy is intended to fairly deal with extenuating circumstances, while at the same time underscore the need for the commitment to the game and in particular to team mates once the season begins. In order to withdraw a player from the program the parent/guardian of a player (hereafter referred to as the player) must submit a letter to the President stating the reason for the request.
NBSA will only consider a request to withdraw a player from the program for the following reasons:
Job transfer to another town or city.
The new residence of the player must be outside of the registration boundaries of NBSA
Medical reasons. Must be accompanied by a doctor’s certificate.
Request for Refunds:
Requests for player withdrawal received prior to March 15th will be reimbursed.
Requests for player withdrawal received after March 15th and prior to season start may be eligible for a refund of fifty percent (50%) of the non-discounted basic registration fee, subject to board approval.
Requests for player withdrawal received after the start of the season are not eligible for any refund.
**Any league fees (Mid-West or Westman Softball) are not eligible for refund once roster submission deadline dates have passed.**
League cancellations due to COVID-19:
If the season is shut down prematurely by the Province of Manitoba or Government of Canada due to COVID-19, refunds will be issued, less any Mid-West or Westman Softball League fees, based upon the amount of weeks that were eligible for team play. Refunds will not be issued on a per person attendance basis, however, based on the number of eligible weeks of play per team.
Ex. League starts May 3 and is shut down June 7. There were 5 weeks of eligible play with 4 weeks remaining in the season. You will be refunded for 4 weeks less Mid-West or Westman Softball League fees.