Our first priority is the health and safety of the athletes, coaches, volunteers, and our community. We will continue to follow the guidance provided by the Province of Manitoba Public Health Orders and Softball Manitoba.
If the upcoming season is cancelled prior to the season starting, a full refund will be granted to all players less an Admin fee of $25.
If the season is cancelled midway through the season, a refund will be granted of fees paid to BVSA less costs already incurred by BVSA. These may include Softball Manitoba fees, City Fields fees, Umpire fees, Sanitizing items, Community Club fee and Admin fees.
Regular Refund Policy
Please direct refund requests to bvsapresident@gmail.com
Any equipment and uniforms belonging to BVSA must be returned prior to the refund being issued.
There could be various reasons why families may request a refund of their registration fees. Outlined below are some guidelines pertaining to when a refund would be issued.
Full Refund
1. Player cannot be placed on a team within BVSA boundaries.
2. Player has a medical condition and has been advised by a Medical Practitioner not to play (Player has not played any games).
Pro-rated Refunds may be issued based on the time of request
1. Prior to team formations (usually last week of March) 100% will be refunded less an admin fee of $25.
2. After team formations, but before the first scheduled game (usually beginning of May), 75% will be refunded less an admin fee of $25.
Once league games begin, no refund will be issued.
Extenuating circumstances not mentioned above may arise wherein a parent/guardian may request a refund of the registration fee. It is best to deal with these situations on a case-by-case basis considering the facts of each situation to come to a mutually satisfactory agreement for all parties involved.