Diamond League Refund Policy
Refund requests must be cancelled in writing to CMBA at b.kohlman@cmba.ab.ca.
There will be no refunds for the $20.00 try-out fee.
100% Refund under the following conditions:
- Player withdraws from the program prior to September 1st
- Player attends tryout and is not selected on to a team
90% Refund under the following conditions:
- Player withdraws from the program between September 1st and September 16th at 12:00PM.
No Refunds
After September 16th at 12:00pm, no refunds will be given. All players who withdraw prior to this time, must do so via email to b.kohlman@cmba.ab.ca.
Officials Refund Policy
Calgary Minor Basketball Association (CMBA) will refund the Official(s) Registration fee if an Official(s) Registration is cancelled in writing to CMBA at league@cmba.ab.ca prior to 14 days of clinic program starting. A 10% service charge will apply for all Official Registration cancellations.
Refunds for jersey purchases, less a 10% service charge, will be provided upon cancellation any time up to the day of the clinic. Refunds will be issued in the same manner as payment was originally received.
Spring League Refund Policy
***Teams that register for Weeknight Club League MUST commit to 9 weeks of play for at least 9 total games plus potential playoff extras***
** Teams that register for the Weekend Tournament League MUST commit to all Three (3) tournaments for at least 9 total games plus potential playoff extras*
Team Registration Cost, Cancellation, and Refund Policy
Team Deposit: $300 (Game forfeit fee/sportsmanship conduct fee/damage deposit fee for all teams registered, which will be returned within 30 days of the end of season if all needs are met to CMBA that team or teams is in good standing.) Should your team forfeit a game, and/or have any type of outstanding fee, this must be fully remitted 48 hours prior to your next scheduled game/event: failure to do so will have the amount deducted from your Team Deposit paired to your removal from the league. Furthermore, two forfeits will also result in removal from the league.
Player Registrations: All players must be registered by April 30, 2025 @ 9:00 am (Online player registration will be in-lieu of team rosters)
March.24th: Last day to withdraw and receive full refund. (-10% service charge).
March.31st: Last day to withdraw and receive 50% refund.
April.7th: Last day to withdraw (No refunds afterward).
CMBA/EYBA March Madness Jamboree Refund Policy
No refunds will be given after Feb.24th at 5pm. Any refunds prior to that will have a 10% service charge deducted.