Refunds for players withdrawing prior to the start of the regular season will be refunded in full upon receipt of notification by email to the DCMHA Office Manager, less a $50.00 admin fee. For players withdrawing voluntarily for personal reasons, after the start of the regular season, the refund will equal the regular registration fee, less a $50.00 admin fee less 15% of the regular registration fee for each month they are registered with DCMHA. Example: A Pee Wee player withdraws as of November 02: Refund = $600.00 - $180.00 October, November @ 15% - $50.00 Admin fee = $370.00 refund. No refunds will be issued after December 15. There will be no refund issued until all equipment or jerseys assigned to the player, parent or team are returned to DCMHA in satisfactory condition. Players that are suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons shall be ineligible for a refund of fees. Rep try out fees are non-refundable.