Refunds for players withdrawing from the program will be paid upon written application to the Registrar as follows:
1. The $50.00 administration fee is non-refundable, unless withdrawing due to medical reasons. A doctor's letter must be provided and the player must not have been on the ice.
2. Late fees are non-refundable
3. The refund schedule is as follows: a) From date of registration to August 31 - full Division Registration fee less Administration fee b) From evaluations to placement on a team - full Division Registration less Administration fee and evaluation fee c) From placement on a team to December 15 of the current season - 15% of the Division Registration fee for each month played and less Administration Fee d) After December 15 of the current season - no refunds will be issued
4. Players suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons shall be ineligible for a refund of fees.
5. There will be no refund issued until all equipment assigned to the player or parent is returned in satisfactory condition.
6. Tryout fees are non-refundable