If you are withdrawing your child please let the Soccer Director know as soon as possible by emailing soccer@frasercl.ca
Community memberships are not refundable
Once you have registered, you will be required to fulfill your community service volunteer commitment as registering your child means a position on a team is being held. NO EXCEPTIONS. The community league reserves the right to cash volunteer commitment cheques for unfulfilled community service volunteer commitments.
Full refunds will be offered prior to the second practice or game of the season, whichever comes first. Prorated refunds will be offered after the first game and prior to the fourth game or practice whichever comes first. Refunds will be offered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the community league after the third game or practice whichever comes first.
Prorated refunds will be issued based on games played in the event of a government shutdown.