Etobicoke Ringette will issue a full refund for any players who withdraw from the sport before October 13, 2024, less a $100 administrative fee.
Learn to Skate/Learn to Play members will be issued a full refund before October 13, 2024, with no administrative fee.
From October 14 to December 31, Etobicoke Ringette will refund 50% of the total fee*, less a $100 administrative fee. Any fees for tournaments and/or team activities/training that have occurred during this period must be paid in full or will be deducted from your refund.
After January 1, 2025 there will be no refunds.
There will be no refunds for players who accept a spot on an Etobicoke Provincial A team and withdraw from the team at any time.
Any exceptions to the above policy will require Executive approval.
*After November 1st, the RO fee for membership, dues and insurance is non-refundable.