Buckets Basketball
Register for all Buckets Basketball School programs by selecting the appropriate section below.
If you are interested in joining our program, please email info@bucketsbasketball.ca to inquire.
Canada Basketball and Basketball Alberta
Basketball in Canada is Governed by Canada Basketball and in Alberta is governed by Basketball Alberta. As a member, Buckets Basketball is in line with the policies and procedures of both organizations. All Buckets Basketball participants must be have a valid annual Canada Basketball and Alberta Basketball membership. Memberships include personal insurance and many other benefits. Memberships need to be purchased on a seasonal basis and can be applied to all basketball participation in Alberta for that season. To obtain more information visit the Basketball Alberta website.
You will be prompted to purchase a Basketball Canada and Basketball Alberta membership as part of the Buckets Basketball registration process. Memberships are purchased on a seasonal basis and apply to all affiliated organizations.
11U Girls (2014 - 2015) Spring League, Monday 6:25pm Practice
11U Girls
5 of 8 Available
Mondays (6:25pm)
- March 10, 17, 24, 31
- April 7, 14, 28
- May 5, 12, 26
- June 2, 9, 16
* Jersey purchase not required
REGISTER NOW11U Girls (2014 - 2015) Spring League, Tuesday 6:25pm Practice
11U Girls
2 of 8 Available
Tuesdays (6:25pm)
- March 11, 18, 25
- April 1, 8, 22, 29
- May 6, 20, 27
- June 3, 10, 17
* Jersey purchase not required
REGISTER NOW11U Girls (2014 - 2015) Spring League, Thursday 5:30pm Practice
11U Girls
8 of 8 Available
Thursdays (5:30pm)
- March 13, 20, 27
- April 3, 10, 24
- May 1, 8, 22, 29
- June 5, 12, 19
* Jersey purchase not required
REGISTER NOW11U Girls (2014 - 2015) Spring League, Thursday 6:25pm Practice
11U Girls
8 of 8 Available
Thursdays (6:25pm)
- March 13, 20, 27
- April 3, 10, 24
- May 1, 8, 22, 29
- June 5, 12, 19
* Jersey purchase not required
REGISTER NOW11U Boys (2014 - 2015) Spring League, Monday 6:25pm Practice
11U Boys
12 of 16 Available
Mondays (6:25pm)
- March 10, 17, 24, 31
- April 7, 14, 28
- May 5, 12, 26
- June 2, 9, 16
* Jersey purchase not required
REGISTER NOW11U Boys (2014 - 2015) Spring League, Tuesday 6:25pm Practice
11U Boys
16 of 16 Available
Tuesdays (6:25pm)
- March 11, 18, 25
- April 1, 8, 22, 29
- May 6, 20, 27
- June 3, 10, 17
* Jersey purchase not required
REGISTER NOW11U Boys (2014 - 2015) Spring League, Thursday 5:30pm Practice
11U Boys
16 of 16 Available
Thursdays (5:30pm)
- March 13, 20, 27
- April 3, 10, 24
- May 1, 8, 22, 29
- June 5, 12, 19
* Jersey purchase not required
REGISTER NOW11U Boys (2014 - 2015) Spring League, Thursday 6:25pm Practice
11U Boys
13 of 16 Available
Thursdays (6:25pm)
- March 13, 20, 27
- April 3, 10, 24
- May 1, 8, 22, 29
- June 5, 12, 19
* Jersey purchase not required
9U (F625)C4 (2016 - 2017) Skill and League Session
9U CoEd
24 of 24 Available
League Friday 6:25pm select your practice time during registration
Skill Sessions to select from:
- Monday 5:30pm or Tuesday 5:30pm or Wednesday 5:30pm or Wednesday 6:25pm
(50 min each)
Tuition - $285+gst/Eight weeks